Do More Than Track Your Sets
Being able to track your sets and instruments is extremely important to having a smooth and efficient OR. The ability to see where your instruments are, at a button press, gives you a game-changing level of control over your SPD. However, simply knowing where something is in your facility misses a lot of other information that managers and administrators need to know. Knowing the disposition of instruments, having regular and frequent inspections, and knowing the reasons behind repairs and replacements is critical information that needs to be tracked as well.
CaseTrak360 Has Built In Quality Checks
CaseTrak360, as part of its standard features, has built in quality checks, disposition checks, and can mandate instrument inspections every time a set is reprocessed. As a technician repacks a set, every instrument has a disposition and quality dropdown selection box next to it. The technician can then perform a quality check of the instrument, and if something is found, they can inform the system about it. For example, if a pair of scissors is found to have corrosion, a technician can make the appropriate selections to inform the system that they are replacing the instrument because of the corrosion. That action will then be added to various reports for managers and admins so they can get a big picture view of the health of their inventory.

Other Tracking Software Charges Extra for Quality Checks
There is other tracking software on the market that offers quality checks for instruments, however, they all charge extra for the service. That extra charge is significant and could potentially double or triple the cost of the software. Only CaseTrak360 offers an all-inclusive solution that has quality checks, an equipment maintenance module with maintenance scheduling, out dates and tracking for single use and limted use devices, as part of the standard/core build of the software. You don’t need to pay extra to know what instruments are out for repair, what instruments need to be replaced, and what equipment needs preventative maintenance. CaseTrak360 also offers built in missing instrument reports, tracks the replacement, and provides a report of the missing instruments and where replacements can be found.
Understand The Big Picture
With CaseTrak360, at a button press, you will be able to see where everything is and when that necessary item will become available. With built-in quality checks, you will also be able to see how each critical item meets the quality standards. With this big picture view, informed decisions can be made about your facility’s inventory and any issues that need to be addressed. You can see which instruments need to be replaced, what instruments are the most reliable, which need to managed closely for maintenance, repairs and reprocessing. Critical stakeholders at your facility and administrators with high level access will have an objective and clear view of inventory requirements, including devices and supplies, allowing for precise management, fiscal responsibility and increased efficiency. This is only the tip of the iceberg of CaseTrak360’s capabilities, and remember when you buy the full license it is significantly less expensive than the other company's basic subscription. Schedule a demo with us today at info@casemed.com to learn more about our all inclusive system and our basic starter software package at a significant savings.