Ambulatory Care

CaseTrak360 For Ambulatory Care

Greatly increase utilization. Accurate, efficient processing

Greatly Increase Utilization

-Real time tracking of all sets/items at a facility
-Instantly view the status and disposition of all sets/items
-Utilize processing instructions to avoid errors
-Increase turnaround times with powerful inventory management

Accurate, Efficient Processing

-Clear step by step processing instructions
-Priority processing for turnaround and loaner sets
-Error prevention utilizing pop-ups and alerts
-Powerful reporting tools from processing to employee performance

Barcode Scanning Speeds Up Workflow

CaseTrak360 uses QR codes to track sets/items to machines, storage locations, and to the operating room.
CaseTrak360's unique bar code provides more information including visual representations, than other systems with 1D barcodes
CaseTrak360 is compatible with many makes and models of barcode scanners. Check system requirements below.
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