New Features For Old Buildings

26 May

The Trouble With Old Buildings

A lot of hospitals are in older buildings, with older wiring, and have thick masonry walls that make updating infrastructure both time consuming and expensive. It gets even worse if you manage an SPD that is in the basement of one of these older buildings, some dating back to the early 1900’s. These spaces were never originally intended to be an SPD, with walls that are a foot thick and electrical wiring that is as unstable as it is limited. If the internet exists in these spaces at all, it is usually one outlet per room or less. So installing a modern, internet based tracking system can seem like an insurmountable challenge.

CaseTrak360 On Mobile Devices

No worries, CaseTrak360 can work in your older building and on any mobile device. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have power outlets, or if you don’t have any internet wiring. CaseTrak360’s flexible design means that it can be adapted to run in any environment. CaseTrak360 is cloud based, meaning all of the thinking and storage site, in the cloud. So on-premises hardware and infrastructure requirements are extremely minimal. This allows CaseTrak360 to run on wired or wireless devices, on desktop or mobile workstations, and on simple or traditional computers. So, you can use the software without having to install extra electrical or internet wiring. Below are the two most common scenarios that we encounter when looking to install CaseTrak360 in older buildings, and how the software overcomes those challenges. You may not even need a printer if you ultilize the paperless functions. Simply scan the 2D barcode to access information like your count sheet, human readable UDI, and evne our IFU.

Only One Internet Wire Is Needed

A very common issue with older buildings, and even some newer ones, is that there is very limited internet wiring. Other tracking systems, with their older designs and numerous on-premises requirements, demand internet wires be provided to every workstation. This can become very expensive, and even impossible depending on the construction of the building, and can increase downtime as wires can degrade. CaseTrak360 does not have this problem. This does not happen in the cloud. All CaseTrak360 needs is one single internet connection where a wireless router can be connected. This is because CaseTrak360 can run on wireless devices that do not require hard connections to a local server. In other words, one internet connection, feeding a wireless router, can provide internet access to an entire department of CaseTrak360 wireless laptops/tablets or other mobile devices. No expensive infrastructure is needed.

Lack of Electrical Outlets

Another common issue is the lack of electrical outlets that plague SPDs installed in basements that were built over 150 years ago. These spaces were never intended to get electrical power, much less become a digital SPD. So it is an extremely expensive process to retrofit these spaces to add more electrical outlets. In situations like this, there is only enough power for the lights, and a few machines; nothing is available for workstations. CaseTrak360 can adapt to this as well; relying again on wireless workstations. Wireless workstations, like inexpensive laptops or tablets, have on board batteries, and a closet or a single electrical outlet can be used as a central charging station for them. All staff need to do is plug in the workstations to charge them between shifts, and now everything can work without electrical outlets. CaseTrak360 will run in this environment without needing wall outlets for power, or wired internet. Everything is wireless, portable, and budget friendly.


So if you are managing and SPD in an older facility, you are no longer limited by your lack of infrastructure. CaseTrak360 is flexible and can overcome the limitations you face to modernize, and dramatically improve how your SPD functions. Reach out to to schedule a demo today.  


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