99.99% Uptime Thanks To Cloud Computing

20 Nov

CaseTrak360 is hosted on Amazon Web Services which offers tremendous benefits for CaseTrak360’s subscribers. The most obvious benefit is uptime: lots and lots of uptime. Amazon Web Services maintains a 99.95% uptime thanks to a massive, well distributed, multinational server network. This means that so long as a facility has the internet, they will have CaseTrak360. The software will never go down from a system failure and will be able to the maintain top-tier reliability that medical facilities need.

Another important benefit is that local system requirements can be very minimal. All of the thinking, logging, and processing happens in the cloud, so local machines only need to be able to run a capable web browser. CaseTrak360 has been tested successfully on Raspberry Pi’s, mobile devices, and budget Windows and Linux computers of all types and ages. CaseTrak360 is also flexible enough to run over a wireless network so no serious infrastructure upgrades are required to get CaseTrak360 running at a facility.

Lastly, it is important to mention the added security that comes from hosting CaseTrak360 in the cloud. In order to hack into CaseTrak360, hackers would first have to breach Amazon’s servers; which is a nearly impossible task. CaseTrak360 itself is also protected by SSL encryption using 256 bit keys on both the server and user devices which maintain military grade protection. If a network CaseTrak360 is running on is breached by hackers, CaseTrak360 will be unaffected because the hackers won’t even be able to see it at the facility. CaseTrak360 does not require any local network resources and the only way to access it is through a web browser as a remote client; so any local breach won’t even reveal that CaseTrak360 is even there.

Strong reliability. Ease of integration. Powerful security. CaseTrak360 can be counted on to work no matter what is happening around it.


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