In today’s fast-paced business world, video conferencing systems have become an essential tool for connecting people and increasing productivity. CaseTrak360 now offers a complete video conferencing system, built directly into its software, allowing your facility to save money, increase security, and increase communication.
It can be easy to get caught up in technical sounding terms when discussing CaseTrak360. Words like “cloud computing”, “server up-time”, and “data analytics” can make non-technical people very nervous. After all, everyone knows how to use a pencil and paper, so why take a risk on something new that could potentially confuse everyone and disrupt a stable operation?
Recently, the news has been full of stories about AI, driven by a new AI platform called Chat GPT. There has been much speculation about what the future holds for AI, and what that means for human workers. There have also been wild exaggerations about what Chat GPT is capable of, including the current capabilities of AI as a whole.
Recently, the news has been full of stories about AI, driven by a new AI platform called Chat GPT. There has been much speculation about what the future holds for AI, and what that means for human workers. There have also been wild exaggerations about what Chat GPT is capable of, including the current capabilities of AI as a whole.
The SPD generates a lot of paper that all needs to be tracked and accounted for. Count sheets, machine printouts, test results, reports, and more need to be carefully filed for a minimum of seven years. Even worse is having to sift through these files in a dark, unknown room should the FDA ask to see them.